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LibWeb is an online publishing platform and ready-made website that utilizes cloud technology customized specifically for libraries. It’s also a set of best practices and processes that when implemented properly increase visibility and patron participation. LibWeb can have a multiplier effect, amplifying library programs, events, circulation, on-site visits, online resources usage, civic engagement, and other services core to a Library’s mission through web publishing and communications best practices.


LibWeb offers tiered pricing from Freemium to Starter, Intermediate, and Advanced plans. LibWeb is based on the idea that best-in-class web publishing shouldn’t be expensive. Contact us for a cost quote tailored to your library’s needs.

Since LibWeb is a turnkey solution migration is simplified. The user interface design, navigation structure, functional features, back-end architecture, and hosting already exist including options for customizing each component and feature. 

LibWeb utilizes a best-in-class WordPress publishing workflow providing frictionless editing capabilities. Additionally, LibWeb utilizes WordPress’s open-source community for continuous improvement.

The LibWeb Flex Theme is based on a modular architecture that allows library staff to modify page layout designs. LibWeb utilizes low code / no code methods including drag-and-drop and  WYSIWYG features for easy page editing.

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LibWeb - Websites for Libraries
Powered by BI Studio
152 Commonwealth Avenue
Concord, MA 01742
1 (978) 369-2472

New Jersey State Library

Trenton, NJ

Watertown Free Public Library

Watertown, MA

Somerville Public Library

Somerville, MA

Belmont Library Foundation

Belmont, MA

Reading Public Library

Reading, MA

Newburyport Public Library

Newburyport, MA

Lucius Beebe Memorial Library

Wakefield, MA

Charlotte & William Bloomberg Medford Public Library

Medford, MA

Howe Library

Hanover, NH